day 13 of 1000 days

Welcome to my blogs.

css: (revision ) I will mention revision in brief. Always use css for styling and html for semantics like h1 should be used for semantic heading not for making it big/bold, use strong/blod for that. Also, remember that css style sheet will be applied which is at last in HTML, hence inline css is most preferred by the browser as they are in tag(I don't know if that's the correct reason but that is how I concluded it.) All elements on the page are displayed as boxes. An element forms of content(height, width) + padding(space inside element) + border(line around element but inside it). Margin is space around the element. There is fill area =content + padding + border, this area gets covered by background color/image if there. There are three types of boxes(elements) block, inline, and inline-block. Pseudo class are special classes which we define in css using "selector:p-class" format. These are special states in which an element can be like an element can be in hover, active(state of being clicked). Mostly used for anchor element. Pseudo-elements are elements we make in css, often useful in adding sale, sold-out etc tags.

One problem with inline-block elements is that they will take space if it's present in html and render it on the page. this is helpful in that case. Also using flex or grid solve this problem(at least now for me).

I am also doing layout but I won't be able to blog it today.

Personal:(Just an honest talk) For the past few days I was feeling low as I couldn't able to do as I expected from myself and seeing many others doing much better than me made my confidence go down. I know I promised myself not to get involved in this but couldn't stop myself from comparing myself with others. This somehow hurt my performance even further. I tried my best but I was trying things above my level thinking that I can show how better I am. It resulted in me being not consistent and as my targeted date of getting the job ready is getting closer I realised my mistake. All I can do is correct my mistake and try to be consistent. (I aim to get the job ready by the 5th of April.)

I also started studying about stock market. I may update about it here once I get some more knowledge.